Efficiency For All Connecticut Wins Competitive Grant for Energy Efficiency Outreach in Hartford and Windsor

Community Outreach

Funding awarded through the Energize Connecticut℠ Community Partnership Initiative

Hartford, Connecticut, June 2024 – Recently, the Sponsors of Energize Connecticut℠, Eversource and Avangrid, Inc. subsidiaries United Illuminating, Southern Connecticut Gas and Connecticut Natural Gas, awarded Efficiency For All (EFA) of Windsor, CT with a $50,000 Community Partnership Initiative grant.

In an effort to make energy efficiency affordable and accessible to all, the Community Partnership Initiative grants enable local community groups, nonprofit organizations and municipalities to further energy efficiency adoption and educate residents and businesses on the energy efficiency solutions available to them.

“EFA is honored for this opportunity to further serve the community. Our mission is to lower carbon emissions and improve energy security through the implementation of energy efficiency upgrades in our homes and buildings. This program is designed to provide innovative solutions and connections to the community. We are thrilled to announce it.” – Efficiency For All

“Most importantly the work is focused on areas that are seeking ways to be more energy resilient and energy efficiency does just that!” – Leticia Colon de Mejias, Co-Chair – Efficiency For All

“Energy efficiency means lower energy bills. It also means less air pollution and fewer climate changing gas emissions,” said Samantha Dynowski, State Director of Sierra Club Connecticut. “Greater and more equitable access to these benefits are the aim of this important program.”

The grant awarded to Efficiency For All will support outreach to encourage participation in the Home Energy Solutions℠– Income Eligible and Multifamily initiative Programs and focus on achieving the following energy efficiency goals:

Efficiency for All is excited to help connect 200 households in the Greater Hartford region with a unique opportunity to enroll in energy-saving programs. Up to 50 of these households will receive insulation upgrades and professional home air sealing. Up to 50 homes may qualify for deeper upgrades to hot water or heating systems. This is a special program to provide additional information and support to renters and homeowners in the Greater Hartford community. Participants may reach up to 30% energy savings after the upgrades.

This is the second round of funding the program has awarded. In 2022, the Community Partnership Initiative supported efforts in Bethel, Branford, Hamden, Middletown, New London, Waterbury, West Hartford, and Wilton.

“Programs like the Community Partnership Initiative make energy efficiency more affordable and accessible to people in the communities we serve, and help work towards a greener economy in Connecticut,” said Eversource Executive Vice President of Customer Experience and Energy Strategy, Penni Conner. “We’re proud of the continuous effort by our community partners to help customers lower their energy bills while spreading awareness about the variety of energy-saving solutions that will help their small businesses and local organizations thrive.”

“Energy Efficiency helps customers improve the value of their homes and businesses, increase their comfort, and reduce their carbon footprint,” said Frank Reynolds, President and CEO of United Illuminating, Southern Connecticut Gas, and Connecticut Natural Gas. “With this Initiative’s second round of funding, we look forward to reaching businesses and homeowners with new opportunities for energy efficiency projects, and we celebrate the contribution they’re now making to Connecticut’s clean energy goals as we work to achieve a green economy.”

Interested residents can sign up by sending an email to contactus@efficiencyforall.org or calling (860) 580-9638 and mentioning the COMMS project.

For more information on the Community Partnership Initiative, please visit EnergizeCT.com.

Draft EFA M=Power Cohort 2 Outcomes Report


Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity in Our Clean Energy Transition and Climate Action Plans.

Workforce Development.

Community Engagement.

Training and Education for Climate Advocacy = Knowledge is Power.

Efficiency For All (EFA) – “Efficiency is Efficient” ~ Creating and Advocating for Responsible Reliable Resilient Reachable Energy Policy.

EFA 2021 Workforce Development Outcomes

Efficiency For All – (EFA) “Efficiency is Efficient” ~ Creating and Advocating for Responsible Reliable Resilient Reachable Energy Policy

EFA is a nonprofit located in Connecticut. We advocate for the stabilization and expansion of local and national Energy Efficiency and Clean Energy programs which protect human health, improve the environment, provide local jobs, increase positive economic outcomes, and reduce short-term and long-term energy costs. We provide connections to the communities we serve and clean energy careers.

Executive Summary

Connecticut and our nation as a whole are facing a lack of qualified workers for available energy efficiency jobs and clean energy jobs. These Energy Efficiency (EE) career paths include entry level and building science certified roles, energy auditors, EE support techs, insulation installers and insulation support techs, office administrators, window installers, electricians, heat pump installers, ALM/ mold remediators, customer service representatives, and office billers.

The lack of qualified workers is exacerbated by the need to develop certified efficiency programs for workers to support the expanded federal and local investments in efficiency and clean energy jobs to meet new state and federal climate and energy goals. The Pandemic resulted in over 30% loss of energy efficiency workers, widening the already growing gap. As the nation begins to reinvest in the energy efficiency industry and clean energy industry, this workforce gap continues to widen both locally and nationally.

Energy efficiency is still the most cost-effective way to lower energy costs, and energy related pollution, while closing the energy affordability gap, and addressing the connections between health and housing. The energy we don’t waste is the cheapest and cleanest source of energy for all people.

Many job seekers are unaware of the growing energy efficiency and clean energy career industries. While others lack the proper skill sets needed to apply for the local and growing energy efficiency roles in our great state. All of these issues have resulted in a lack of workforce to meet the industry and state goals. This is our fast-track solution.

Federal Support

Under the ARPA funding initiative, EFA was provided funding for 10 trainees to participate in an EE clean energy workforce program. This was leveraged with contractor funding to support 15 trainees in a 12-week program.

Outcomes from EE Workforce Development Fall 2021

10 trainees were enrolled using CT CARES Act funds. Efficiency For All leveraged additional funds from contractors in our state to support 5 more seats in this program. Thus 15 completed the 12 week course.

All 15 completed the course and all 15 are gainfully employed in Connecticut.

Results 6 month after program completion: 

Transportation Issues Resolved

Participants transportation “speed bumps” and outcomes related to transportation needs:

  • Four of the participants did not have reliable transportation. They started the course while using other people’s cars, using ride shares, and taking the public bus. Three of the participants purchased vehicles and one was able to utilize public transportation to meet his transportation work needs.
  • Three participants did not have driving licenses. All three participants obtained valid driver licenses.

Creating Agency, Resilience Building, Financial gains, and Housing

  • One participant increased his credit score from the low 500s to the high 700s and is preparing to make an offer on his first home. 
  • Another participant was living in a transient situation. He has since secured a lease on an apartment and is saving to purchase his first home. 
  • Additionally, several participants did not have bank accounts. Currently, all participants now have bank accounts. 
  • All participants learned household budgeting and time management

Jobs Obtained by Participants

  • EFA had a 100% placement in an Energy Efficiency and Green career paths.
  • EFA had a 100% retention rate which has included pay increases ranging from $16 to $25 an hour.
  • 13 of the program fifteen graduates have already reached incomes of over $17 an hour. 

Employment Locations

Job sites: Hartford, Windsor, Wallingford, Watertown, Fairfield, Branford, Middletown, and Manchester

Feedback from Employers


“Overall, Francisco has been progressing nicely and has been able to expand his building science knowledge. He is currently learning the proper way to set up various industry-related diagnostic tests and we hope to soon have him working as a fully functioning Lead Technician in the near future.”


“Rashad came to us well-versed in a lot of general knowledge, which is great… he learned quickly. The program is great for steering people towards a good career… I do feel the 6 weeks of paid training was enough to get Rashad up to speed to jump on a team.”

Harisi Energy

“Andrew has turned into a new person equipped with his building science knowledge…His work ethics show a promising future lead tech role in our company. Andrew comes ready and equipped every day to tackle any challenges that may arise.”


“Miguel and Jeffrey have been amazing additions to our team. They are now leading their own crews and performing at very high levels.”

Our Contractor Network

We partner with contractors all across the State of Connecticut.

Due to the program’s tremendous success, our contractor network is increasing rapidly. We are receiving weekly requests to join our network. Please contact us if you are a contractor in CT and would like to join our network of mentors and are willing to hire.

Email: contactus@efficiencyforall.org

EFA CT Workforce Program

Program Participants will gain BPI certifications, OSHA, Lead RRP and hands-on training through the Efficiency For All CT workforce development program. These certificates are required to work in the State of CT EnergizeCT program as a lead tech.

Efficiency For All’s Green jobs EE workforce training program, is a state of Connecticut supported Energy Efficiency workforce development program. This program is a 12 week program, inclusive of a 6-week classroom training and hands-on training, and a 6-week Paid Work Experience internship program.

Learn more…

Leticia Colon de Mejias – June 24 2021 Better Buildings US DOE Covid Recovery Economy – The State of EE and supporting information on the path to an inclusive accessible clean energy economy

The power point presentation (PPT) and supporting videos below outline a path forward to grow a reliable resilient accessible affordable clean energy grid in our nation. These videos are an educational introduction to our clean energy economy barriers, during the Covid Pandemic.

June 24 2021 National DOE Better Buildings State of the Covid Economy https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/recording/8769208179771457807


September 30, 2021 Low-Carbon Small Business and Post-COVID Recovery- EESI Briefing Series: Workforce Wednesdays and https://www.eesi.org/briefings/view/093020workforce

GC3 and Energy Equity Work can be located here: https://efficiencyforall.org/wordpress/2020/02/25/governors-council-on-climate-change-gc3-equity-lens/




Solve Climate 2030- International Presentation Video can be located here: https://efficiencyforall.org/wordpress/2020/04/07/an-affordable-way-forward-energy-efficiency/


Creating a Culture of Sustainable Thinkers ™

Addressing Health and Affordability Challenges for Low-Income Families

How energy efficiency can lower statewide health expenses, close the affordability gap and put people to work


Addressing indoor health barriers improves occupant health, lowers energy expenses, and supports our state mandated carbon and energy demand reduction goals, while creating real jobs in our communities.

Problem: Up to 30% of homes in Connecticut (CT) have one or more safety concern

Up to 30% of LMI homes have one or more health concerns such as asbestos, mold, mildew, knob-and-tube electrical wiring, and pests, which are barriers to full weatherization and lowered energy bills. Energy Assessments provided by Energize CT and WAP locate and identify hazardous conditions in LMI housing (based on Energize CT data on homes barriered from Wx in CT, 2017- 2019.)

Solving for weatherization barrier funding in CT is a critical issue. These barriers limit ratepayers’ access to energy saving services that their utility bill payments help fund.

The increased thermal comfort associated with a weatherized building envelope, allows residents to shelter in place in extreme hot and cold temperatures even during power outages.

Energy efficiency provides a pathway to positive health outcome

Reducing Energy Use Leads to Better Health

Energy efficiency and weatherization lead to better health outcomes for residents. A 2014 study found a 12% decrease in emergency department asthma-related visits and a 48% decline in poor health among adults who received home weatherization services (Save Energy, Saving Lives by ACEEE & PSR, https://www.aceee.org/research-report/h1801.)

READ MORE: Yale Center on Climate Change and Health

What is LIHEAP?

LIHEAP is a flexible federal funding source with the potential to close the affordability gap and help CT reach our GC3 goals.

Weatherization and energy-related home repair directly contribute to reducing energy burdens and improving home health and safety, both of which are LIHEAP goals.

Simple Solution to Indoor Health Barriers

Breaking siloed approaches and removing health barriers ensures households are served comprehensively, resulting in lowered energy expenses, lower energy demands on our grid, lowered pollution, and lowered carbon emissions. This will ultimately expand the number of LMI
served in our state. Additional benefits include creating local jobs and addressing long standing affordable safe housing issues, and permanently lowering energy expenses.

An allocation of LIHEAP funds towards weatherization and barrier remediation would open the door for a comprehensive weatherization barriers remediation program, providing a solution to the 23-30% of income-eligible households in CT with home weatherization barriers preventing access to energy-saving services (based on Energize CT data on homes barriered from Wx in CT 2017- 2019.) This would also prepare CT for upcoming federal stimulus packages.

Connecticut boasts strong energy efficiency programs (Energize CT). These programs include comprehensive energy efficiency upgrades which support low-income resident’s ability to effectively manage home energy demands and lower energy burdens. DEEP coordinates the state’s existing energy efficiency programs (HESIE and WAP.) DEEP could establish an official Weatherization Barrier Committee inclusive of community action agencies, the utilities, contractors, advocates, and DSS to ensure proper coordination among entities.

Crosscutting Benefits

Job Creation – The use of LIHEAP funds to remediate barriers increases workforce opportunities. Expanding the capacity of the CT’s network of weatherization contractors will help CT reach our carbon and energy goals.

Investments in the energy efficient workforce bring the highest return on investment of any green job, $1M = 18 job years (2020, Global Status Report for Buildings and Construction, Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction.)

Energy Efficiency Saves Lives

A study by ACEEE and Physicians foe Social Responsibility found that reducing energy consumption in the United States by 15% could have enormous annual impacts on public health, while lowering energy burdens (Save Energy, Saving Lives by ACEEE & PSR, https://www.aceee.org/research-report/h1801.)

Goals for LIHEAP

To address the remediation of home weatherization barriers for low-income customers, we recommend a higher level of LI􀀫EAP weatherization funds be allocated to reduce energy burdens and improve home health and safety in CT.

We are recommending that up to 8 million dollars of LIHEAP be allocated to weatherization and removing health and safety conditions.

In FY17-FY20 an average of 2% of respective CT LIHEAP allocations went to weatherization compared to a national average of 11.1% across those years (Based on Energize CT data on homes barriered from Wx in CT 2017- 2019,) placing CT behind the curve in utilizing LIHEAP money for weatherization.

Indoor Health Barriers