Efficiency for All

Dear Friends and Supporters,

Below, please find the bills that we could use your support on at the Capitol.

Please write letters in support of these bills.

Call your representatives and ask them to have these bills called on committee.

If you are at the Capitol please speak to your representative or senators about energy efficiency.

  • Efficiency is Efficient.
  • Conservation is conservative.
  • Using less leaves us with more and there is enough for everyone.

Help support Connecticut residents and the planet!


HJ 31
Resolution Proposing A State Constitutional Amendment Prohibiting The Diversion Of Funds For Energy Efficiency And Clean Energy Programs To The General Fund.
To prohibit the diversion of funds for energy efficiency and clean energy programs to the General Fund.

Sponsor(s): Rep. Jonathan Steinberg (136); Rep. Jonathan Steinberg (136)
Committee(s): Finance, Revenue and Bonding

*Current status: Referred to Joint Committee on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/23)

HB 5030
An Act Restoring Energy Efficiency And Clean Energy Funds.
To restore moneys in the state budget of energy efficiency and clean energy program funds.

Sponsor(s): Rep. Joseph P. Gresko (121); Rep. Jonathan Steinberg (136)
Committee(s): Finance, Revenue and Bonding

*Current status: Referred to Joint Committee on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/9)

HB 5409
An Act Prohibiting The Diversion Of Funds For Energy Efficiency Programs.
To prohibit the diversion of funds for energy efficiency programs.

Sponsor(s): Rep. Laura M. Devlin (134)
Committee(s): Finance, Revenue and Bonding

*Current status: Referred to Joint Committee on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/16)

HB 5804
An Act Restoring Ratepayer Energy Efficiency And Clean Energy Program Funds.
To restore moneys in the state budget of energy efficiency and clean energy program funds.

Sponsor(s): Rep. Jonathan Steinberg (136)
Committee(s): Finance, Revenue and Bonding

*Current status: Referred to Joint Committee on Finance, Revenue and Bonding (1/23)

HB 6453
An Act Concerning The Protection And Accountability Of Energy Efficiency Funds.
To restore and protect the purposes of the three clean energy funds while adding legislative oversight of such funds.

Sponsor(s): Rep. Mary M. Mushinsky (85)
Committee(s): Environment

*Current status: Referred to Joint Committee on Environment (1/28)

Let your voice be heard.

Thank you standing up for Connecticut and it’s residents!


Efficiency For All