Research Report H1801
Sara Hayes and Cassandra Kubes
Pollution from power plants harms public health, contributing to heart attacks, respiratory conditions, asthma attacks, and premature death. Energy efficiency can benefit health by reducing power plant pollution. This report estimates the health and environmental benefits that would come from a nationwide 15% reduction in annual electric consumption. We present results nationally, for states, and for the 50 largest US cities. We go on to describe some of the ways these results might be achieved and how efficiency programs and policies can be designed to maximize public health benefits.
Saving Energy, Saving Lives
New Report by PSR and ACEE Increased energy efficiency pays off by improving public health. On February 21, PSR and the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) released a report outlining the public health benefits and medical cost savings of a 15 percent reduction of annual electric consumption. The report ranks the top beneficiaries among the states and the 50 largest U.S. cities.
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